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Uncoupling, an insider’s guide to separation in New Zealand

Separating? Could relationship counselling help?

by | Oct 13, 2021

Hard to believe, looking back, but the only time I saw a counsellor through my separation was to figure out how to tell my partner I wanted out.  

Over a few sessions I gained confidence in my decision to the point that I knew I could – and should – do it, and it was the right thing for me. It was, without a doubt, the most difficult day of my life.   

Researching and writing the sections on getting help, I found some useful and insightful resources online, but was so grateful to have the help of an experienced relationship counsellor. When I told her I was having difficulty with sections on communicating with your ex on a new footing, not falling into the same patterns in future relationships, and ways to take care of yourself, she said “you’re in the right place”.  

I wrote the relevant sections, and she gave her stamp of approval. Talking about the book with her was so helpful; it made me realise I could have benefitted from using a counsellor for so much more than I did, even if the result would have ultimately been the same.  

Do you have a productive means of communicating with your ex? Are your children coping? Find out how in Uncoupling. Buy your copy here  

Uncoupling, an insider’s guide to separation in New Zealand

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